+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to install the application on android (program, apk)?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

1. Software for Android is loaded with a special website Android Market. This application store has been created specifically for Android. Almost every Android phone has an application Market. With his help, and going to download and install the necessary software from the Android Market.

To get to the store Android Market, launch the application on your phone Market. Remember, you need a network connection. After loading the site you can go to the desired category and find an application, and you can, if you know its name, use the search. Then download the application, after which it is established in android.

2. Install the application using special tools (eg, AppInstaller). A process is required when you want to install a third-party application on android. Pre-program file that you want to install (it has the extension * apk) is recorded to the memory card. Now you need to run AppInstaller. The program will start scanning the memory card, and after some time will show a list of all the files lying on the map that have the extension * apk. Select the desired program, and it is installed on the phone.

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