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by (40.6k points)
How to root the Motorola Moto G easily

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+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to root the Motorola Moto G easily

 It is certainly one of the terminals that have more surprised during 2013. Motorola seems to be rising from the ashes with new devices is launching, and among them of course is the Motorola Moto G, a phone with great potential to relatively low price. Today in our section on how to root Android terminals we will see how to be root on a phone that our colleagues recently analyzed Andro4all.

 These are the steps to root the Motorola Moto G:

 Backing up all your data, then the next step will lose all information phone
 Unlock the bootloader from the official website of Motorola, the process is quite simple, in addition to Motorola offers instructions to follow for it, but if you get lost here's a video that is done:

 Download the zip file and unzipSuperboot.zip
 Sign our Moto G in bootloader mode, this is done by pressing the volume down and power button simultaneously.
 Run one of the following files depending on the operating system on which we find:
 In Linux the file superboot-linux.sh
 In Windows the file Superboot-windows.bat
 On Mac file superboot-mac.sh
 Reset the Motorola Moto G-if it does not just- ready, we have our rooted phone
 As you see, it costs nothing to root this phone and the possibilities that are found to have it rooted many so do not hesitate and forward. And if it is the first phone to rooteas'd better get used to these terms, so check out the basic terminology rooting Android devices. And you, do you prefer a rooted terminal or original version?

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