+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Early indications of Android 5.0 Lollipop appear  for the HTC One M8

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

One of the main commitments HTC is updating their latest handsets to the latest operating system. Lollipop Android 5.0 is no exception and it seems, is almost of road for HTC One M8, one of its flagships, or so it indicates the Bluetooth certification of this smartphone with Android ration sweetest.

HTC has long promised to bring Android 5.0 Lollipop their latest devices like the HTC One M8. Actually this is one of the commitments of the company, to bring updates to its terminals with a maximum of 90 days late with respect to official release. In short, Android Lollipop already been released, so hopefully in less than three months updating reach our HTC One M8. However, as has been released today, the HTC One M8 just passed the Bluetooth certification, so software development must be really advanced.


Obviously this certification does not mean that the device will get the update next week at least normally is not the case here, but it gives us hope that HTC is actually working hard for the latest operating system from Google is present as soon as possible. We should also note that if our HTC One M8 belongs to a telephone company -that say, we bought through a operadora- must first pass the self-certification of these to reach our terminals. What does this mean? Well, even though HTC keep his word, probably not see the update until after those three months.

The truth is that the plans of Taiwanese were already known for months. Specifically in June this year we saw a leak in which specified that L and Sense 6.0 Android would be ready for evaluation between October and December, so everything matches almost perfectly. As we know more officially, rest assured that you will be the first to know all the details.

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