+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to fix error 3194

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

1Open the iTunes application on your computer.


2Make click menu "Help" in the iTunes menu bar and select "Check for Updates". iTunes will check that your computer has the latest version of iTunes.
If an update for iTunes, follow the onscreen instructions to update it before proceeding.

3Haz click on the link "Microsoft Support" found in section "References" at the end of this article.

4Haz click the button that says "Fix it" (fix) on the page "Microsoft Support".

5Haz click "Run" when it appears on your screen window to download the file [1].

6Sigue the instructions provided by the wizard "Fix It". The wizard "Fix It" will make the hosts file on your computer back to its default settings, which can resolve the error 3194.

7Intenta restore or update your iOS device immediately after you finish arranging the hosts file wizard "Fix It". Your computer can now communicate with Apple's server and this will resolve the error 3194.
If your iOS device still experiencing the error continues performing the following steps.

8Abre Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ Etc.

9Haz click the file called "hosts".

10Haz click "Edit" on the menu bar in Windows Explorer and select "Copy".

11Haz click "Edit" again and select "Paste". Now you have 2 files hosts in the "etc" folder.

12Haz click the original "hosts" file and drag it to your desktop computer.

13Selecciona the duplicate file "hosts" and drag it to the desktop.

14Haz Right-click the duplicate and select "Open".

15Selecciona "Notepad" when asked which application to open the file "hosts".

16Haz click "Edit" from the menu "Notepad" and select "Select All".

17Haz click "Edit" again and select "Delete".

18Haz click "File" in the menu bar in Notepad and select "Save".

19Cierra Notepad application.

20Haz click and drag the duplicate of "hosts" back to the "etc" folder.

21Haz Right-click the duplicate file and select "Rename".

22Teclea "hosts" and press "Enter".

23Reinicia your computer.

24Intenta restore or update your iOS device using iTunes. 3184 error will no longer appear on your device [2].
Method 2 February: Mac OS X

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