+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

This article will explain how to play Clash of Clans directly onto your home PC even if you've never bought an iPhone or an iPad or tablet or smartphones in general.
In this guide I will explain step by step how to make it through a small program gratutito and some very simple steps to put into practice.
A computer equipped with Windows operating system XP, Vista, Windows 7, or 8, or Mac.
Bluestacks program for Windows or Mac.
1- Download Bluestack directly from HERE '.

2- Just finished downloading to begin the installation.
We suggest you sleggare items such as the figure below here, in this way you will give the nod to the Apple Store and access to application notifications.

3- After installation start Bluestacks and click on the "Search" at the top left.

4- In the search box enter Clash of Clans, and just the click that appears on the game icon.

5- If you have not already logged in you'll see the following window, you will not have to do is click on the "Continue" button.

6- Now you will need to add a Google Account, if you do not have, the same program will give you a chance to create one via the button "New".


7- If you already have a Google Account, enter your information and click "Sign in."


8- Once logged some windows will appear, click on forward until you come to this screen where you will not be prompted to enter another time data from your Google Account.

9- At this point your Google account is synchronized, click on the "Let's Go" button.


10- There will appear a disclaimer, you decide whether to accept to receive Google Play offers or not, the following click on "Accept".


11- Now is the time to click on the "Install" related to Clash of Clans, accepts all permits and start the download of the game and its installation.


Now you are ready to play Clash of Clans, click "Open" and you're done!


Through this guide you will have the opportunity to start a new game or to synchronize an existing one, also, if you use the same Google account you can play the game on multiple devices, of course, not simultaneously.

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