+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Arranging Sub-process bzip2 Do you get an error in Cydia?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Nesecitamos Win: Winscp 
Mac: CyberDuck and TextEdtit 
installed OpenSSH on iPhone 
and 5 (Five minutes) 
Step 1: 
Open Cydia and see the error that give the repo, if u added a repo and which, causing the problem and we need to eliminate it. 
Step 2: 
To solve this problem we have to edit and delete the repo cydia.list between SSH and then go find /private/etc/apt/sources.list.dy cydia.list 
Step 3: 
Then (depending on your client) edit archivo.Estoy doing this with Cyberduck Mac, copy the file to the Finder (desktop) and edit !! 
If WinSCP ago in just the right mouse button on the file / edit, vary u, can not remember .. 
step 4 
alli remove the / s repo give us errors, 
Step 5: 
what I did was remove "" deb http: /cydia_.22web.net/repo// ./ "" and save the changes 
(If they distrust make a backup of each file) 
as seen in the image no longer exists cydia_.22web.net/repo 
Step 6: 
Now we go to / private / var / lib / cydia, copy metadata.plist to your computer and open it for editing, type the repo that is giving the error, then delete it, save the changes, and replace the plist 
Step 7: 
Go to / private / var / lib / apt / list and remove files starting with the name of your repo this evil. 
in my case, delete "" _deb "http://cydia_.22web.net/ :. /" "
After editing .. save and replace SSH 
Step 8: 
Go to / private / var / lib / apt / list / partial and then remove archivosque are giving Error !! 
A Ves already completed the steps ... !! If everything went well, no longer give us Sub-process bzip2 
Man I hope you friends .. and I saw many with this same error !!!! 
"That it is clear, are sources that are disabled and changed domain uo .."

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