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why my Nexus gets too hot

1 Answer

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by (40.6k points)

Why my Nexus is heated?
How do I prevent my Nexus is hot?

Nexus users do not understand why their powerful terminals suffer heat problems, whether they use the excess terminal as if it's too hot. Is it normal that a terminal is hot? Like a computer, when they are working hard for very powerful that are to be heated, as this not only depends on the power but the use we are giving to this device. But this problem will be less of a problem now because we bring the solution to why my Nexus gets too hot.

Why my Nexus is heated?

  • Because I'm playing, playing videos or using other heavy multimedia applications: our terminal is not stone and very powerful it these tasks will make it warm at least a little, play movies or videos is usually the most.
  • Because I'm using the Nexus as Wi-Fi: though we believe not, this option not only consumes power but also warm our Nexus, since the end of the day we are using it as an access point Wi-Fi.
  • Because I'm using the phone while I'm charging: When we are connected to current Nexus is heated a little in itself. If we are also using better not imagine how much we can be heated. And if we add to this play or watch a movie, and touches the limit.
  • Because I'm downloading data via Wi-Fi or 3G: When you download applications seems that our terminal is hot, especially if we put many at a time to download or update.

We should not scare us at all if it is heated, it is completely normal since the end of the day is an electrical device. But we can choose other ways to keep warm our device, such as those discussed below.

How do I prevent my Nexus is hot?

One way to avoid that the Nexus is hot, is to avoid the above, but since it is unlikely that we can live without them, can opt for the following:

  • Stop applications: opting for a tool such as "task killer" is perfect in these cases, to optimize our device and release RAM. The less resources consumed, the less it gets warm.
  • Avoid exposing it to the sun, we can not avoid the sun entirely, because in summer it's hot, but we can avoid excessive heat, like being with your mobile to 30 degrees on the beach (it will heat much).
  • Avoid enclosed spaces with heat: we must also avoid those confined spaces where much heat is concentrated, our terminal to overheat.
  • Reduce screen brightness: sometimes we do not realize and have maximum brightness. One option that is regularly put on automatic, so that it meets all conditions.
  • Eye with covers or housings: often want to save some money and opted for covers or economic casings, which are not adapted exactly to our terminal. We must avoid this because they may cause your device to heat up more.

Following these recommendations, the temperature of our Nexus should be less prejudiced hereafter. If you know any better to keep our Nexus less hot technique, please share it with us. Did you find this tutorial been helpful?

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