Its flagship model Galaxy S line of the South Korean company Samsung manufactures for several years. However, quite often when users attempt to make a call or send a message problem: error message as follows: "Not registered on the network." Usually this happens the subscribers of those operators who can get IMEI device. Abroad, it is Orange, Airtel, Docomo, AT & T and Vodafone. In Russia, too, noted a number of cases, different operators.
Experts attribute the appearance of an error with the latest updates of the operating system Android, and the fact that developers are not sufficiently promptly remove such bugs. I must say, it's not the biggest trouble that can happen with devices Galaxy S, but often, so we decided to talk about how it can be solved.
Method 1: Enable and disable "Airplane"
In most cases, remove the error allows easy handling: just turn on your phone and flight mode to turn it off. The sense of action - make the machine operator's network to re-look. In 80% of cases re-connection helps, but not always.
Method 2: Remove the SIM-card and insert it back
This method acts as the first time - at the expense of re-connection. You remove the back cover of the machine, take out the SIM-card, in a few minutes, return it to the place, put back the cover and turn on the smartphone. It should help, also not activated 100% of cases.
Method 3: Update the firmware or to download and install any software update
First of all it is necessary to make sure that the smartphone has already received the latest firmware. Next, make sure that the level of charge on the gadget is quite high (for further action is required not less than 60-70%).
Unlock smartphone and go to the page "Applications". Next, select the "Application Settings", connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Again, go to the "Application Settings", scroll down and find the line "On the phone", then select it by pressing. Next, you select the "Software Updates" - you need to find any possibility of firmware upgrade in general or the possibility of obtaining at least a small OTA update.
Before installing the update, you will need to confirm your selection in response to a request for authorization. Download the necessary files will begin only after receipt of confirmation. Do not forget to charge 60-70%! And the Internet is not better to use a mobile, and on Wi-Fi.
After installing the update will automatically restart your smartphone, and errors should no longer be. After all, the reason for its appearance - the lack of the necessary upgrades on the device. Once they are installed, the problem with the message "Not registered on the network" will be solved.
Method 4: change the mobile operator and, correspondingly, SIM-cards
Sometimes there are situations that you have a SIM-card operator from whose network in the area is not coated. But it is another operator, and then you just pick it up SIM-card to stay in touch. But the ability to update the firmware is still worth checking out - perhaps because the machine that does not "see" the network.
If none of the above methods did not give a positive result, we can only look for an opportunity to contact your network operator to ask for a new setting APN - this is definitely solve the problem.