+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Error 25000

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Error 25000

Full text of error: Error 25000. BlueStacks currently does not recognize your graphics card. It is possible your Graphics Drivers may need to be updated. Please update them and try installing again.

This error means that BlueStacks «does not see" your graphics card because of problems with drivers. To solve this problem you need to update the driver, but it can be done by visiting the graphics card manufacturer's website. If you do not know what kind of video card you have, follow these steps: Click Start, then right-click Computer or My Computer, and then click Properties. Opens your computer information. Click Device Manager. In the opened window, click Display Adapters to view the name of your video card. For owners of the devices on the Windows 8: Open the "Miracle button» (Charms), select Options, then information about the computer. You also will open a window with information about your computer. Click Device Manager, then Adapters and see the name of the video card.

Graphics card manufacturer can be found in Google or Yandex (the list of sites of manufacturers here, we do not present due to lack of necessary).

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