+5 votes
Why does my Yu Yutopia not turn on?

Why does my Yu Yutopia not turn on?

2 Answers

+3 votes

Surely if you are reading this article is because all of a sudden you phone or tablet does not turn , something we probably could have happened to almost everyone but can be forvarious reasons without necessarily having a fault in it.

That's why we will show the checks we should do before we worry and take it to thetechnical service if it is a mobile or tablet Android as if it is an iPhone or iPad .

The first thing to do is put a load for about 15 minutes our device as it can be for any reason is no longer fully discharge the battery and therefore when clicking on the button, the terminal does not show any response. After waiting, you should try again to turn the terminal to check whether the problem was a total discharge of the battery or the problem persists, in which case we can make the same step with a different charger since it could be this that is faulty.

Another reason why our terminal may not respond is that although it seems off, is really working but has suffered lock the operating system and completely black screen appears as if switched off. In this case, to check if so we must proceed to remove the battery terminal and then on again or press continuously on the button to see if the phone is restored.

If we do not still got to answer our device, the next two steps are to make a reset both software level and hardware level or what is more commonly known as doing a hard reset or soft reset the terminal. 

+4 votes

Retrieve a smartphone after a loading time and see that your screen does not turn on or suddenly see that it does not go out but does not answer our fingers, it is a very common case, who has a terminal with removable battery solves taking this component and put in again. But what if this can not be removed as is the case of the iPhone and increasingly Android and Windows Phone terminals?

Each operating system has its method, and in the case of Android there are even differences between manufacturers on the method to be used to make a smartphone do a reboot of your system, as if it were a computer.

Soft-Reset vs Hard-Reset

However, before giving clues about each let's differentiate what would be a "soft-reset" of a "hard-reset" the two most common but not unique restarts that can be made in the system of a smartphone.

The "soft-reset" is more common and easier to perform. It presents no danger to the data stored on the device as simply "reboot system", without more, making a cycle off and on the device. It is moreover, a medium usually

Now there are times when this is not enough to recover the device and running again. You have to take more drastic measures and come into play "hard-reset" that what it does is delete all data from the device and leave it with the system configuration with which left factory. Obviously it is a measure which will lose a lot of information and is only suitable for very few cases, making it interesting to have a backup of our data to dump them again later.

Soft-Reset Methods

Made previous caveats, let's focus first on how to restart, or apply a "soft-reset" any smartphone, depending on your operating system and manufacturer.

First, Apple and its iPhone. The system is still the same since the first model and just press the top button, which turns off and on the screen, next to Hombe button for a few seconds and see how it goes and appears the mazana feature on the screen. It goes without saying that in the iPad, the method is the same.

We will now armed Android and here, according to the manufacturer, there are differences.Samsung, LG and Huawei are those that offer a more simple and intuitive system, just let down the power button until the device restarts. For its part, Sony and HTC have another system, and is to press the power button and volume up simultaneously for the same operation. Finally, Motorola changes a little this system and the combination is the power button and the volume down. However, some terminals as the Sony Xperia Z2 already have a hole next to the SIM card slot in which inserting a needle is possible to restart the terminal.

Finally, Nokia with its Lumias with Windows Phone repeats the pattern of Motorola, ie power button plus button to lower the volume down for a few seconds will make the smartphone with Windows Phone 8 is restarted, since this method was different in the previous version of the operating system Microsoft.

Hard-Reset Methods

As mentioned earlier, any such method erases all data (contacts, photos, music, passwords, etc.) of the terminal, so we insist again, it is highly recommended that regular backup of data terminals. Both iOS and Android or Windows Phone let you use iCloud, Google Drive or OneDrive, respectively, so that this copy is made "in the cloud" and automática.Dicho this way, the methods of "hard reset" are disparate, and almost different in each case.

Apple makes a combination in which you have to keep the Home button and Power together for 10 seconds and then stop just down the first 10 seconds. After that, iTunes will detect the terminal in DFU mode when we connect to the computer via a USB cable and allow the reinstallation of the entire system with the latest version of iOS available.

In the case of Windows Phone and phones Nokia , the process is even more complicated.You have to leave the phone off at least 20 seconds, disconnect the charger and connect itto the down volume key down. (!) At the time the symbol of an exclamation screen willappear and will press the following keys in order: volume up, volume down, power, volume down. After this, the phone itself will begin erasing and restore factory settings.

Finally, Android is no single recipe. The variety of models and makes manufacturers may be variations but the most common are one of these three:

- Volume Up, "home" of Android and power button. 
- Lower power and volume. 
- Button "home" and on.

In any case, we will take the "mode Android System Recovery " where you can choose to reset the device or make a reset to factory settings.

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