+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
I have a Lenovo A390 and am having trouble getting into recovery mode. Every time I boot into recovery mode, a dead android icon with a red triangle appears and nothing happens.


I waited 2-3 minutes and still nothing happens. What should I do? Should I install a custom recovery? Or what? I'm in action and my phone is rooted, rooted using framaroot. Please help me thanks. :)

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

It is the display of recovery actions. When you are on the screen (with the 'dead' android) you have to release the power button and then press the volume up. You must enter recovery.

If you install a custom recovery, then you will not see this screen, you enter directly into the custom recovery. Unless you need to install a custom recovery can use the phone with the recovery of the stock.

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