+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
LG G2 - not enabled debug mode


I'm trying to run an application on the LG G2 (Verizon) using Eclipse on a Mac. However, the phone is not recognized by the computer. Habilité debugging but does not appear when I adb devices. Also, they never received notification of clearance when I put the phone in debug mode. I think it's the phone as I have found other devices on the Mac smoothly.

Any suggestions on why not be enabled debug mode.

2 Answers

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

I found the solution: assuming you have enabled debug mode, you have to change the configuration of USB for Internet connectivity: Ethernet or modem. Keep in office phone, Media Sync or camera does not enable debugging.

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Usb2 try another cable. I had the same problems with the S2 after a while gives me unknown device, although it was formerly known. Try another cable and see if it is being recognized. It has to be in MTP (media device) rather PTP (camera).

You could also try something else while the phone is connected to disable debug mode and allow back. You could also try to restart the adb.

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