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by (40.6k points)
How to Locate the WEP key to a Linksys Router

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

One of the questions most Internet Technical Support ask is, "How can I find the WEP key," key wired equivalent privacy for the wireless network. It is a set of numbers 0-9 and letters A-F. Without the code you can not access your wireless network. One of the most common routers is Linksys router. This article will show you quickly how to find the WEP key that eliminates the need to call technical support services often charge for something so easy to find. Things You'll Need Internet access
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make sure you have Internet access. Use the Internet Explorer browser. Do not use AOL or MSN

Type the following IP address in the address bar., you will get a login window. The user name may be blank and the password is admin. If you have trouble logging in using the username: admin and the password is:. Password

Click and then "Wireless Setup", "Wireless" or "Wireless Security." At the bottom of the screen to see "security encryption key (WEP)," if you see more than one key WEP uses the first the list.

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