+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to fix error 3194 when restoring iPhone

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Error under number 3194 can occur due to various reasons, but the main ones are the consequences of working with TinyUmbrella utility or similar.

In order to get rid of the error 3194 during restore iPhone, do the following:

  • Open the folder C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ etc and find in it the hosts file
  • Open the file using a standard Notepad and locate the line containing the inscription gs.apple.com - remove this line
  • Save the file and restart your computer
With high probability the error 3194 does not occur when the next attempt to restore the iPhone. But just to make sure before you start to turn off the firewall while your computer - the chances of a successful recovery increase significantly.

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