+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Samsung Galaxy S6 Multi Window use 

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

On the Samsung Galaxy S6 one will search in vain for the multi-window bar. This no longer exists namely. Instead, the multi-window feature was now in a new twist on the Samsung Galaxy S6intgriert. There are two different ways:

1. Splitscreen

The split screen on the Samsung Galaxy S6 is a known version of the Multi Window features. With this feature you can now display the app on a top of the screen, another app at the bottom. To use this feature, please as follows going on:

Typing this once on the left soft key button on the Samsung Galaxy S6. So you see the application window all the apps that you had open the last time you. Each app is a map in which the upper right corner two symbols can be found.

Typed here in an app on the icon with the two squares on one another, the. This icon represents the "split screen", which will be displayed immediately. Here WhatsApp is now displayed on the Samsung Galaxy S 6 in the upper part of the screen. In the lower part of the screen you can normally other apps or settings etc. use

2. Pop-Up View

This function is also started from the Task Manager. Pressed again once on the left soft key of the Samsung Galaxy S6. So you see again the apps listed that you have used lately. Typing here now in an app, and now remains long with your finger until the app window can be placed on the display. You can now run multiple apps on the screen of your Samsung Galaxy S6 shown on the display at the same time with this MultiWindow variant.

You know now how the Multi can use Window function on the new Samsung Galaxy S6 and where to find the option "Pop-Up".

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