+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Sim Card PIN is not checked

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Normally the Sim card pin is checked at power before the voice and data functionality is available in a smartphone like the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. It may now be, however, that this Galaxy at your Samsung Note 3 is not the case and the PIN for the SIM card is not retrieved. If so, we would like to show you how you can activate cards Pins again reviewing the Sim here now.

To do this, open Menu -> Settings -> "General" tab -> Security

Go to this submenu now please on "Sim Pin Options". You will now see an option which reads as follows: "Sim card Pin". Here you have to put a check in the checkbox to enable a Sim input is required after turning on the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 to use the phone feature.

Have you set the hook, is at the next restart of the smartphone the PIN for your SIM Card again be queried.

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