+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini silently take pictures

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Sometimes you are in a situation in which you would like to take a photo with his Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini, but this should not cause any noise. Unfortunately, it is so that when you take a picture with the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini is always hear the shutter sound. In a museum, an opera or in other quiet environments, this can be disturbing. That is why we want to show you a trick, how to record silent images with the camera on the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini. For a setting in the camera firmware does not exist for it, unfortunately.

The trick to silent pictures with the camera of the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini take is as follows:

Before you take a photo with the Samsung Galaxy Mini S5 in the quiet location, turn off the phone in vibrate or silent mode. Just drag down the status bar and then tap the icon to the speaker. Your smartphone is now in vibrate or silent mode. In this mode, the camera of the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini sounds when using no clicking sound when a photo was taken.

This is unfortunately the only option without root to take pictures with the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini silently.

Do not forget to switch back to the Sound Mode after taking pictures. Not that you missed a call!

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