+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Why Samsung Galaxy S6 rapid charging is not possible ?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Your Samsung Galaxy S6 has the unique function of "fast charging" so that it is possible to charge the battery in a very short time. If your hanging your smartphone to the charger and this will load quickly, then you realize that on an information in the status bar: "Quick-charging"

If this is not the case and your Samsung Galaxy S6 will not load quickly, then this can have the following backgrounds:

1. The Samsung Galaxy S6 will not be charged with the supplied charger

Only the original Samsung charger makes the fast charging of the Samsung Galaxy S6 possible. You use an older charger, then this can not build the nätigen charging current to enable fast charging.

2. The CPU or the surroundings of your Samsung Galaxy S6 is too warm

Because heat is generated by the rapid charging of the Samsung Galaxy S6 and this may result in connection with a hot CPU or ambient air to technical damage fast charging is automatically disabled, depending on the situation. Remedy here: switching off the device, remove to a cool place.

If you have the two reasons mentioned above examined and corrected, then should your Samsung Galaxy S6 can be quickly loaded without problems. So that your battery is fully charged and in no time ready for use.

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