+3 votes
Problem: I can not update my apps in the App Store

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Following a common error arose after several reviews that this was an issue that, until now, had never seen and it seems that it is quite common: you can not upgrade applications that you downloaded from the App Store. Let's look at several solutions to this problem, and from the comments we get, we will apliando information.

Card associated with the account

Undoubtedly, this is the simplest of all cases: if you bought an app at the time and have removed your card account, you will receive an error updating a purchased app. Return to associate the card and you can upgrade without problems. It can also happen that the card number has been changed (for example if you lost the card and you have a new one). In that case, you only have to update the current number of your card.

Paid upgrade

Sometimes the developers offer us free application, but future updates are extra. In that case, the upgrade that app, the App Store will tell us if we buy it and that's where we decide if the app was worth it. In this case, it is not a problem but a decision taken by the developer.


Before leave more than one page per this section, I must say that several people have succeeded in solving the problem of insisting update errors. To do this, we will update the apps one by one and the process reptitiendo repeatedly until you stop giving us the error. Be patient and insist surprisingly enough since this is an option that gives more results.

This item you are currently editing. Please try again later.

In this case, the problem is not because of us but an application update. If you see this message it is because the item is being modified, either to fix a bug or because they are uploading a new version of the Apple server. In that case, just have to wait.

My app disappears when updating with Installous

In version 4.4 Installous problem which we installed apps (or actualizábamos) was given and did not appear, to install again, we said that was already installed. The current solution is to upgrade to the latest version Installous as it was a bug that is already solved.


The rule of computing: off and on again. In this case, delete the application, we will restart our device and then return to install. If we bought, it will not cost us anything, whereas if we have downloaded from installous, we download it from there.

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