+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Add Samsung Galaxy S6 favorite contacts in phone app

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

In the Phone app on the Samsung Galaxy S6 it is possible contacts with whom you often do, save as favorites. So you can then when the phone app opens call them favorites faster and does not have to look far in the contacts.

We want to show here briefly as you can on the Samsung Galaxy S 6 show a contact as a favorite in the Phone app.

To do this, open on the Samsung Galaxy S6 the phone app. Change here on the "Favorites". If you have not set a favorite, here is a list of the most frequently contacted people appear.

In order to add a favorite, tap the bar at the top on "Add". Now select a contact, and complete the process with "Finish". The just selected contact is now displayed in the phone app under the tab "Favorites".

So you can call this contact now always quick because it is immediately visible in the phone app.

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