+5 votes
Why im not good as others.

5 Answers

+4 votes

your not smart

+5 votes

Others aren't better than you, "being the better" doesn't really exist without context and shouldn't be your goal.

You can't be the best at everything. But you can always be your best self at yourself.

Be your bestself and stop caring about being the best compared to other.

+5 votes

Because you think you are not. The thing is in your mind. Then, do not compare yourself to anyone, that will be better.

+5 votes

Every one goes through this feeling especially students. And everyone should realize that is not true. You are special in your own way and everyone has weakness. Whoever you are you need to know that you are special and you are born to achieve something great no matter if is small or big and don't let your negative side bring you down. Don't let that bad voice of yours take  you away from you and achieve its bad goal and always remember that your special in your own way.

+4 votes

Nobody is better than anybody. You are just being negative.

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