+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
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1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

The Huawei P8 is usually delivered in the system language, which is spoken in the country selling the most. Of course it can happen that you would prefer to select their language as the system language for Android. How to do this on the Huawei P8 and where there is the option that we want to explain in more detail now. If so, proceed please as follows:

Opens on your Huawei P8 from the home screen menu and then the Settings. Searches in this menu item "Language & input". Typing on the entry and you can then in the next sub-menu, select "Language and Region" select.

It is you now see a list of all available languages ​​on your system Huawei P8. Select here the language, which want to have appear in the future on your Huawei P8 in Android etc.. After you have selected your language, the smart phone will this take over all areas.

You have just successfully completed the language of the Android operating system on your Huawei P8 changed.

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