+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
HTC One M9 gets Android 5.1 Lollipop update

2 Answers

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Now it is finally time for the HTC One M9: Lollipop Android 5.1 will be rolled out, and the first owners of smartphones have already install the new Android firmware. Should you not have been offered the firmware update, please checked slebständig in the Android settings, whether this perhaps even on your HTC One M9 is available.

For this purpose, you have to search for new firmware manually start on the HTC One M9. It works like this:

Start Manual Firmware search in Android
1. Opens the Home Screen from the menu and then the Settings

2. Typing the menu "Info" button to

3. From here, continue to "Software Update"

4. "Check Jetz" With the button you can search for your HTC One M9 for a new firmware on the HTC servers

5. Should a firmware exist, then now starts the update wizard

+4 votes

HTC One M9 beginning on August 20. According to HTC's Mo Versi, HTC has received approval from Verizon to push the update, which will bring several other fixes in addition to Android 5.

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