+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 background motion effect no longer works

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

The background motion effect called parallax effect, the background image of your Samsung Galaxy S6 tendency so that it always looks from every angle to you. This effect is quite nice, the Wirkungdweise on a smartphone but undecided. Nevertheless you Firmware Update is perhaps at your Samsung Galaxy S6 according to the latest Android features noticed:
The background motion effect works even though it is enabled on the Samsung Galaxy S6, since the update is no longer.
Surely you are wondering now whether you can resolve this error. The answer is first "No". Unfortunately, the cause of this is the recently veröffenltichte Stability update from Samsung. It is hoped that here as soon as possible a patch is made available, which fixes this, at the Samsung Galaxy S6.
When the time comes, or is there another workaround for the Parallax effect, then you can learn this here with us.

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