+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 prepaid credit query

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you have a prepaid Sim card is inserted into your Samsung Galaxy S6, then you have every now and then query the balance stands, so you are not out of money for telephony and mobile Internet there.

So you can easily query the account balance of the prepaid card, there are so-called status codes. These are entered and sent via the telephone keypad. Then you get a message, how much credit has the prepaid card yet.

Based on the Samsung Galaxy S6 we now explain to you the procedure to query the prepaid credit:

1. Opens the home screen of the phone app and change there for "keypad"

2. Now Give the following codes, depending on your wireless service provider, a

D1: * 100 #
D2: * 100 #
E-Plus: * 100 #
O2: * 101 #
3. Pressing after entering the code the green handset to send this to (it produced in Germany no cost)

4. You can now get your balance sent as a message on the display of your provider.

You know now how to query the prepaid balance with the Samsung Galaxy S6 or any other mobile phone or smartphone.

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