+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to know the version of Android that has our device?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

It is very easy to know which version of the Android operating system is running on your mobile device. The procedure described here is for HTC phones, but ultimately serves to other models and brands using the android operating system.

Depending on the android version you have installed, access to this information will be via phone settings or tablet, with "about".

Procedure to determine the version of Android that has our phone or tablet android
Press the "Applications Menu" button or down the notification bar and press the gear on the right. On the touch screen appear a menu, press "Settings", then down the menu and click on "About device".


On some phones and tablets last generation "version of android" and will appear on older devices may need to click on "software information" after this we will display all the information in Android version, baseband , kernel, build number, number of software and browser version.

Knowing the android version of your phone or tablet is crucial because we know if we have the latest version of android system, either Gingrebread 2.3 ICS 4.0.4, 4.1 or 4.4 Jelly Bean kitkat.


Also good to know which version you have installed, to see problems or errors in the various forums android and expose personnel to service the brand or store, so they can resolve the situation more quickly.

If you have a different HTC device and you want to share how to get to see the version of Android, you can make a comment on this article.

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