+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S5 PeakFinder not working properly

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Should you the app PeakFinder on your Samsung Galaxy S5 or another Samsung smartphone installed, then it may be that the app does not work properly. This means that the mountains do not appear where they are in reality. If this is the case, then the cause is not usually on the App "PeakFinder" but in a setting of your Samsung Galaxy S5.

Because PeakFinder attacks sometimes back to the magnetic compass of the Samsung Galaxy S5. If this is not properly calibrated and indicates the wrong direction, then this should definitely be calibrated.

In this guide we want to show you now, how to calibrate the compass of the Samsung Galaxy S5 and thus the app PeakFinder gets back up and running:

1. Open to on your smartphone, the phone app and then the tab "keypad". Now enter the following code for the service menu:

* # 0 * #
2. You will see the Service Menu with various tiles. Tap in the middle of the tile with the sensor.

3. Scroll is now up to you, the entry "Magnetic Sensor" appears in the displayed sensor data of the Samsung Galaxy S5 all the way down.

4. A red compass needle means that the compass needs to be calibrated. Now turn the Samsung Galaxy S5 once about all three axes.

5. When the calibration of the Samsung Galaxy S5 was successful, then you see this on a blue compass needle and a number "3". The number three is the calibration for all three axes.

If you now use the app PeakFinder on your Samsung Galaxy S5, then this should show you all the mountains in the area exactly.

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