+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 Red-eye Correction

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

The Samsung Galaxy S6 has built a very good camera, with which it is possible to make traveling with friends and acquaintances beautiful photos as a souvenir. Now, if you photographed you mutually, so it may be that the eyes appear red in the picture. This is obviously unattractive and actually more of an exception in the Samsung Galaxy S6. Should this happen, but times and people have red eyes in the photos, then the Samsung Galaxy S6 brings equal the appropriate function: The "Red-eye Correction". We tell you now how to make the red-eye correction on the Samsung Galaxy S6:

1. Opens on the Samsung Galaxy S6 the Gallery app in this picture, which requires a red-eye correction.
 2. Typing once on the screen to display the options bar.
3. Typing here now on "Photo Editor" and continue to "Portrait"
 4. Scroll to the far right and then selects "Red Eye" from.
 5. You can now mark the red eyes in the picture, and then let the correction run it. The picture should be optically corrected and gone the red eyes in the photographed people now. You know now how to reworked with the Samsung Galaxy S6Fotos, where people have been affected by the red-eye effect.

Those options do not exist on Galaxy S6

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