+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Why my smartphone connection so slow?

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Many times I hear people ask, "Why is my wireless internet is so slow?". I see the screen of their mobile phones and a connection is very slow as EDGE or GPRS standard.

Many will wonder ... "What are you talking about?" ... So to clarify all our doubts I will explain Ascending detail.


The speed of a mobile connection depends on the type of connection standard you are using. Currently, there are various connection standards, such as GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 3.5G, 3.5G +, LTE (4G) and others. These provide us with various connection speeds, and easier to understand, as if we traveled by foot, car, boat or plane.


Connection speeds by as telephone operators offer them can be quite confusing. When we say "you can navigate with a speed of 4 Megas" DOES NOT MEAN that we will download 4 megabytes (MB) per second (4 MB / s). These ads are confusing, because what they really mean "4 Meg" is a speed of 4 Mbps (Mega bits per second), note the difference between bit and byte.

1 Megabit (Mb) is 1000 kilobits (kb).
1 kilobit equals 1000 bits (b).
8 bits equal 1 byte (B).
1024 Bytes (B) equals 1 kilobyte (kB).
1024 kiloBytes equals 1 megabyte (MB).
Therefore, if we say in an announcement: "... at a rate of 4 Meg", we know that actually offer 4000 kbps, ie 4 million bits per second. Now, we know that each 8 bits are 1 byte (B), the download speed would be 4 000 000/8 = 5 00 000 Bytes, ie 488.28125 kB.

Then! If we say "... a download speed of 4 Meg ..." is a download speed of 488 kB / s. If we say "... a download speed of 1 Mega ..." is a download speed of 122 kB / s. And so on :).

Advertising Speed - Movistar
Advertising Speed - Movistar

The most common connection standards are:

GPRS (General Packet Radio Service): Today is the kind of slower connection offered as a service. Maximum download speed is 80 kbps, ie 0.08 Mbps or "Megas ... 0.08" (how they say in the trade :)). Despite being the slowest connection is the one that has better range. That is why in places with less signal can find this means of connection. The symbol for this connection normally see on our cell is a "G".

EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution of): This type of connection in our region supports up to 256 kbps, ie 0.256 Mbps or "Megas 0.256". The symbol we see in our cell will be "E" or "EDGE".

3G or UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System): This standard allows connections with speeds up to 3 Mbps or "3 Mega". The range of the antennas that allow these connections is lower, why, from these speeds will be more difficult to obtain perfect conditions for a good signal 3G. The symbol you find on our cell will be "3G" :).

HSDPA or 3.5G + (High Speed Downlink Packet Access): In our region is the fastest standard connection, this can reach up to 14 Mbps downloads, that is nothing less than "14 Megas". However, I did some research, and one of the most important local companies in the region, but for this connection ensures maximum download speeds of 5 Mbps (or 5 Megas!). The symbol of connection you find in our equipment will be "H +".

H +
* Significantly in Peru, a number of mistakes were made by the companies offering the service, as these offer this connection as if 4G, when in fact it was nothing more than 3.5G +.

4G LTE (Long Term Evolution): Today is the fastest connection standard that exists; however, is not available in our region. This standard can support up to 100 Mbps connection (Of course quite well connected, like a meter antenna :)). In actual tests on normal conditions, I could find cases up to 50 Mbps, of course we would have to go to Australia to enjoy this true speed :). The connection symbol for this standard is "LTE".


The standard connection that you use on your cell depends on the support that your cell and antenna transmission nearest to offer.

If your phone supports 4G LTE connection, but in your region your carrier does not support that type of connection on their antennae, then you can not enjoy that type of connection (as in Peru). Conversely, if there is a HSDPA connection in your region, but you have a team that supports the connection, then you can not navigate to the speed offered by this standard.

* To clarify, by some of the comments: If you have a computer model, eg purchased in Europe, you have to check that this is compatible with the bands (antenna) offered in your region. That is, you must find the code and find the exact model that supports bands (You can use this web: http://www.gsmarena.com/network-bands.php3). If for example your team is the "ABC" model, and this model only supports the bands "BANDA1" and "BANDA2" and in your region, your operator only offers the "BANDA3" is very possible that you can not use, or you have a limited connection.

I hope we have been able to clear some doubts, and if they keep some do not hesitate to comment :).

Many greetings and very Happy a New Year!

* If your connection is slow to have a phone bad sign, they could try putting your computer in a glass of clear water :), as we explained in LifeHacker.

+3 votes
by (3.1k points)

How to improve Internet speed on mobile
1. Applications for speed Internet
2. Connect to a network wi-fi
3. Keep the battery charged
4. wallpapers and widgets
5. Use a good browser

How to improve Internet speed on mobile

How many times have you said: "That will slow the Internet my phone"? Perhaps many ... Today we help you get the internet speed of your mobile is faster with a few tips, simple but very useful.

There are many factors that affect the speed of the internet connection: mobile we have in itself, the number of installed applications, data downloads in the background ... etc.Sometimes the speed of Internet also depends on the coverage offered by the company have in the place where we are, the network capacity (also depending on the company) and the technology we use: 4G, 3G and 2G . Let's see then a few small steps you can take to improve browsing speed of your device:

Tips to improve the speed of your mobile Internet

1. Applications for speed Internet

On Google Play and the App Store there are applications to know which is the rate that we have in our mobile available. With any of the free apps you can download from here  for Android and from  here to iPhone, we first have to check the speed of internet on mobile.After log points and then compare the results.

Now you download a "Booster" or internet accelerator from here  (Android) or  here (iPhone), either because we find it would do the same. They have a very simple operation and improve our surfing speed.

2. Connect to a network wi-fi

It seems obvious, but many use their data rate while in a public place with a wi-fi networkat home or connect to. The speed of a wi-fi network generally always be greater than we have with 4G or 3G.

3. Keep the battery charged

Something important is to have the battery load, if possible, of more than 80% . As this is sometimes quite difficult, at least it's good to know that if we have almost exhausted battery will slow internet. Smartphones, at least some, when they battery capacity is low down system resources, for example by reducing the screen brightness among other things, and internet.

4. wallpapers and widgets

Having an animated background or widgets to give us the time, temperature, climate, the results of any sport ... etc is useful, but consume a lot of battery and internet continuously for downloading data from the network, making our Internet go slower . So if you have too many widgets, you do not use, delete them.

5. Use a good browser

Sometimes having a good browser with improved speed. Chrome, Firefox and Safari on iOS are the most popular and good choices because they are fast. Although Google wants you to optimize the web design for load faster, there are browsers that offer interesting things like Dolphin or Opera , the latter is highly recommended for anyone who has a simple mobile or for anyone with a mobile good and want to save on its data rate. Opera has an option to compress the data , ie, load just enough of each web, saving up to 80% on our data rate. Opera have different versions to download  here  (Android) and here (iPhone).

I hope you have been helpful advice. Do you have worked? You know another way to improve speed Internet? Leave your comments!

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