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by (40.6k points)
Sony Xperia Z5 Premium - What Sim card do I need?

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

The Sony Xperia Z 5 Premium is the first smartphone with a full 4K display. To give you probably the smart phone, which has the currently best and sharpest display. But if you buy your Sony Xperia Z5 premium, then consider please necessarily about whether the SIM card fits into the new smartphone. Not every SIM card fits into the Sim card slot of the Sony Xperia Z5 premium.

To be precise: It fits only one Sim card size The Sony Xperia Z5 Premium requires a nano sim card! This Sim card format is currently the smallest format, which is at the Sim cards on the market. Should you still have an older SIM card such as Micro Sim card, or even standard Sim own card, then offer you the following options:

1. You have a Sim card with nano-perforation This is the easiest option. Just press the Nano sim card from the existing Sim card along the perforation out.

 2. You have a Sim card without nano-perforation For this purpose there are so gennante "Sim Card Punching". A Sim Card punch cuts, similar to a punch in the correct format from your Sim card out, if this is greater. Such Sim Card Punching already exist for little money.

If you the effort too big, so you can also easily reach your mobile operators a new Nano Sim Card Request. But keep in mind that this may also be associated with costs. Ih know what Sim card you need Z5 premium for the Sony Xperia and as you gain such a Sim card.

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