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by (3.1k points)

Each day we give a lot of information in Google without realizing it. Who we are, what we like ... 
Google is not perhaps the center of the world, but it is the Internet center.  Web giant The stores all kinds of information about each user who crosses his path. It thus benefits from using these data to better target its advertising, but also to transmit to the intelligence services.

Google knows where you go and places you frequent

How to get to such a place as soon as possible? What place is best suited for my vacation?

Based on your research, Google is able to know your way or your way. And for those using the geolocation service via their smartphone, it's even easier! Google has the ability to locate your phone using Google Sync.



Google knows your interests and the websites you visit

Through your research on the different services and tools from Google, it can record the words you use to extract the global trends. For example those who use the Chrome browser or its toolbar, Google knows all the pages you visit including the forms you fill out. A good way to just draw your profile. When the DNS server to Google for any website you visit, a request is sent to that server, and the request contains the name of the site you want.

The strongest advocates of their privacy should also be wary of the Gmail email service.Google bots can scan the content of your emails on Gmail to discover: the identity of your contacts, discussion topics and frequency to what you provide. Not to mention what you say publicly on any social network or forum can be indexed by Google.

A What use all this information?

No need to be a genius to know that the information collected by the web giant allow you render services. By cons, an average user of Google is not easy to know that all these private information is used primarily to sell targeted advertising.

If Google learns example, that you and your friends adore music, then you will regularly advertise on this theme.

Knowing what interests you and what you do, Google is able to determine the technologies and services that have no future, and can develop and market them. Clearly, nothing is ever really free on the internet.

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by (3.1k points)

What Google knows about me?

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