+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to make a  Screenshot Samsung Galaxy J5

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

In our subsequent instructions we would like today closer explain how you can easily create J5 screenshots with the Samsung Galaxy. Screenshots are screenshots.

With these you can easily store information from the display as an image file and retrieve them later. In order to carry out with the Samsung Galaxy J5 such screenshot, please use the following key combination:

  • Press simultaneously for about 2 seconds:
  • Power button
  •  Home Button

If you hold this key combination for about two seconds, then you will hear a sound that sounds like a camera. This will indicate that the screenshot has been successful on the Samsung Galaxy J5. In order to invoke the screenshot you just created on your smartphone, open:
Menu -> Gallery -> Screenshots You now know how to make a screenshot with the Samsung Galaxy J5 quickly and easily.

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