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1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

The mailbox of the Samsung Galaxy A5 is enabled by default on a diversion. The forwarding to the mailbox is activated when you do not answer or lean on the call. Should you not wish to use the mailbox on your Samsung Galaxy A5, you must deactivate the call forwarding.

 We explain in our guide on how you can switch off the call forwarding to the mailbox on the Samsung Galaxy A5.

Open to the homescreen of the phone app and then tap "More"

-> Settings.

You are now in the call settings of your Samsung Galaxy A5. Tap on "More Settings" and select "Call divert". Select "Voice Call". The settings of your provider will now be re-read. Now put all the characteristics of "disabled" to turn off the forwarding to your mailbox.

Then, the mailbox is no longer active on your Samsung Galaxy A5. The smartphone is ringing until you answer or the caller ends the call.

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