+3 votes
Solutions and Tricks for Dragon City

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Hello everyone!

Here I offer some tips for the popular and funny game Dragon City that surely many esteis hooked.

How to get gold?

Gathering of Farms
Collecting Dragon Market
Free gifts you can send friends
Completing certain objectives
Bonus Deus Journal
Certain special events

Trick to get much gold

First we go to "build", and give in "BUILDINGS"
We bought the small farm ($ 100)
We place it on the island
We click to the farm and give in to "improve" (Green Arrow) (IMPROVE has a value of $ 25.000 gold)
the farm is then instantly improve
And it will give 25,000 XP (O points to next level)
Once you have improved where they "TOOLS" says (white arrow)
Then give it where it says "SAVE ON INVENTORY" (Chest)
After they have saved will "INVENTORY"
There you will find all the things that have been saved
They seek farm and give the button that says "SELL"
They give $ 12.500 x each large farm gold selling

In this way they continue to buy small farms and improve x $ 25.000 gold and van selling

Even if you spend money you will see that you go up in level.

How to get gems?

1 for each level (99 is the maximum),
2 win at the Coliseum (every 12 hours)
2 win a league in the world of fighting (7 Victories by each league),
completing a page of the Book of Dragons (2 to 9 gems)
5 Reward Mondays (if you're lucky)
Also with certain special events.

Getting pure legendary Dragons and Dragons

If you want to get a legendary dragon first thing you have to do is cross a dragon ice or alphine and midevil dragon. If you want a pure dragon must cross a legendary dragon with another legendary dragon but you have to try several times until you get it. You can also get dragon crossing it with a pirate but you will have to try more times. If you have a pure unicorn dragon dragons can get pure mixing them with pure dragons you want, for example: dragon fire dragon Pure + Unicorn gives you a pure fire dragon ...

Getting Legendary Gems and Dragons

No need to spend a single gem to get or pure legendary dragons, and you can do it across hybrid dragons that have opposing elements. For example, a fire dragon with one of ice. Keep these dragons raising together and eventually get hybrid rare dragons, such as cold fire dragon. Now when you have two rare, cross them and soon you will have a hybrid dragons legendary Dragon card ... that simple and inexpensive, and it is best to not have to go begging anyone gems.

Dragons combinations:

basic dragons
Dragon Plant
fire Dragon
Dragon Ground
Water dragon
Electric Dragon
Ice dragon
Dragon metal
dark dragon

Combinations with Dragon Ground
Earth + Fire = Flaming Rock or Volcano.
Earth + Plant = Tropical or Cactus.
Earth + Water = Mud or Waterfall.
Earth + Electric = Star or Chameleon.
Earth + Ice = Alpine or Snowflake.

Combinations with Dragon Fire
Fire + Earth = Flaming Rock or Volcano.
Fire + Water = Cloud or Blizzard.
Fire + Plant = Fuegobird or Spicy.
Fire + Electric = Laser or Hot Metal.
Fire + Metal = Medieval or Steampunk.
Fire + Dark = Vampire or Dark Flame.

Combinations Water Dragon
Water + Earth = Mud or Waterfall.
Water + Fire = Cloud or Blizzard.
Water + Plant = Nenufar or Coral.
Water & Electric = Lantern Fish or Storm.
(See the section below rare hybrids) = Pirate.
Water + Ice = Ice Ice cube or Cream.
Water + Metal = Mercury or Seashell.

Dragon Plant Combinations
Plant + Earth = Tropical or Cactus.
Plant + Fire = Fuegobird or Spicy.
Plant + Water = Nenufar or Coral.
Plant + Ice = Dandelion or Mojito.
+ Metal = Jade plant or Dragonfly.
Plant + Dark = Carnivore Plant or Rattle Snake.

Electric Dragon Combinations
Electric + Earth = Star or Chameleon.
Electric + Fire = Laser or Hot Metal.
Electric + Water = Lantern Fish or Storm.
Electric + Ice = Fluorescent or Moose.
Electric + Metal = Golden or Battery.
Electric + Dark = Neon.

Combinations Ice Dragon
Ice + Earth = Alpine or Snowflake.
Ice + Water = Hielocube or Ice Cream.
Ice + Plant = Dandelion or Mojito.
Ice + Electric = Fluorescent or Moose.
Ice + Metal = Pearl or Platinum.
Ice + Dark = Penguin.

Combinations with metal Dragon
(See the section below rare hybrids) = Armadillo.
Metal + Fire = Medieval or Steampunk.
Metal + Water = Mercury or Seashell.
Metal + Plant = Jade or Dragonfly.
Metal + = Golden Electric or Battery.
Metal + Ice = Pearl or Platinum.
Metal + Dark = Zombie.

Combinations with dark Dragon
Dark + Earth = Hedgehog or Venom.
Dark + Fire = Vampire or Oscuroflame.
Dark + Plant = Carnivore Plant or Rattle Snake.
Dark + Electric = Neon.
Dark + Ice = Penguin.
Dark + Metal = Zombie.

So much for my collection, if anyone knows more than the share!

Greetings and good luck

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