+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Problems with Google Play? - How to fix

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

If yes is compatible can try one of the following solutions:

1) Be sure that you have emptied the cache and data in the Google Play Store and download manager. Note before deleting data Play Store if you establish or have established a PIN or a content filter will have to re-establish them later. To do this you have to follow the following path:

Go to Menu> Settings> Applications> Manage applications.
Scroll to the "All" tab.
Select the Play Store app, then click "Clear Cache" and "Clear Data".

To erase the download manager or "Download Manager" follows the same process.

2) Temporarily disable any updates from Google Play. To do this, follow the following path:

Go to "Start"> "Menu"> "Settings"> "Applications"> "Manage Applications".
Click the tab "All"
Scroll down and select the Play Store application.
Click on in the "Uninstall updates".

This way you will return to the version of Google Play initially installed on the device. Google Play should automatically be updated to the current version in a few days and there is no way to permanently uninstall updates.

In any case, to assure that you upgrade to the latest version of Google Play you can do the following:

Start Google Play.
Go to the Home screen.
Wait 5-10 minutes until the automatic update of the application is active.
Restart the Google Play Store.

To check which version of Google Play installed follow these steps:

Go to Settings> Applications> Manage applications
Scroll to the section All.
Scroll down and select Google Play Store

If problems persist, I comentadlo in this thread to find a solution to all!

Regards and good luck!

I have a problem with the play store, what happens is that from one day to another and I could not update or download applications, at least in my home, because I try elsewhere and if I may, my home network does not I may be wrong because other teams if possible download and update applications ... you know that you can be the problem?

My phone will not connect to my home Play Store ... if it does in other places but in my house. Indicates "Timeout exhausted connection". If Link router problem ... the truth ... do not know how to fix it. I hope you can help me. Thank you!

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