+5 votes
Change Samsung Galaxy S5 email Ringtone

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Whenever you receive a new email on your Samsung Galaxy S5, then you will hear a ringtone to alert you to the entrance. This ringtone can of course be adjusted. How this works on the Samsung Galaxy S5 we now want to explain to you in more detail in this manual. Opens to the following sub-menu on your Samsung Galaxy S5:

Navigate from the home screen, tap Menu and then continue on settings. Then taps on:

Sounds & alerts -> Other Tones -> Section "Samsung Applications" -> E-mail

Typed here is the e-mail address at which you try to change when a new email the ringtone. In the next menu tap on "notification sound". You can now select from 8 different standard ringtones for receipt of e-mails. Have you marked your selection, the setting will take effect immediately. From now on, then the selected ringtone from your Samsung Galaxy S5 always sounds when you receive a enuen email.

You now know how to on the Samsung Galaxy S5 change the ringtone when you receive a new email message.

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