+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 TouchWiz Change themes

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

A new feature on the Samsung Galaxy S 6 is that you can customize the design and the colors using so-called subjects themselves and also make. So you can choose from many different themes, which as components have different wallpapers, icons and colors. So you can immediately make his Samsung Galaxy S6 from more individual. We show now that you can change on the Samsung Galaxy S6, the theme of the user interface.

You must be on the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy S 6. Now on the home screen guide both fingers together on the screen than if you want to zoom out from an image. This will now reduce the homescreen and make various options visible. In the options, you can now see a button "topics". Tap this button and you can now see all the available topics that are currently installed on your Samsung Galaxy S 6.

You can download the available topics from Samsung and also download themes from the store.

You now know how to adjust on the Samsung Galaxy S6, the design of the TouchWiz interface customization and how to change or download themes on your phone.

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