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why is there an error in retrieving information from the server when i am downloading an application in the playstore

unable to retrieve information from server google play


why error retrieving information from server

by (40.6k points)
google play error retrieving information from server

6 Answers

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
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+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to troubleshoot "Failed to retrieve server information [RPC: S-7: AEC-0]" of Google Play
Try going Settings>Accounts>Google> Tap your account> Three dots in the upper right (or press menu button) "Remove Account" ... then readd your account .. then clear Play store cache and data and try it

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Sometimes it's good to know you're not completely alone in the world, especially when it comes to failure messages google play do not understand to do.

In this case we will talk about the RPC error: S-7: AEC-0

What the hell is that Google?

An increasing number of visitors are seeing this sms error when trying to install or modify an android app on any computer and recently there is a solution.

The full ruling says "Error retrieving information from server [RPC: S-5: AEC-0]."

Appears in Play Store page, and in a popup window when you try to modify or install an app or game.

Apparently there is a dilemma with the affected account, so you can not use the option to create a soft reset or hard reset to fix it.

In fact, to restore a computer is the worst thing you could do, since you can not install or modify any of its programs and no way to install them.

  RPC Error: S 7: AEC 0 of Google Play prevents installing or updating apps RPC Error: S 7: AEC 0 of Google Play prevents install or update apps

The web (www) Play Store does not recognize the content purchased in all cases.

This fault has appeared intermittently for years with a range of alleged solutions, however none of them seem to be working here.

It's something Google end this time.

  RPC Error: S 7: AEC 0 of Google Play prevents install or update apps

It seems that this bug reports marked higher on Wednesday morning, when I began to experience failure too.

Google is telling the mass that is aware of the dilemma and are looking for a solution, but nothing concrete yet.

By the time we stay to see that solution gives google, also we recommend not create a soft or hard reset.

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

This worked for me when I encountered the same issue on my KitKat. Remove your account from the device (Settings > Accounts > Google > Remove Account)

Remove the following data: Settings> Applications > All> Downloads > delete data. Settings> Applications > All> Play Store> delete data. Settings> Apps > All> Google Services Framework (or if they have it in English: Google Service Framework) > delete data.

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Error message during upgrade or download an application.

Error message during upgrade or download an application.


Try again to delete your Google account (Settings> Accounts> Google), restart and enter your account details.
In Settings> Applications> All> Services in Google click Clear data and Force stop.
If you have a new error and not in the list, let us know and looking for ways to help.

Any questions, suggestions please ask on the comments and do not forget to share this note with your friends.

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

I thing than 1 month ago bought a tablet for a family as it is doing an English course and for certain things (listenings) could do with having a tablet. Also you can read ebooks and have the mail by hand. The idea was not fanciest much money, since it is not that we sobrados and also for the use that this person will not need great power.
After looking at a few, I decided Sunstech CA7DUAL I bought a Carrefour. Once I get home, I set the tablet with a new Gmail account (since this person using Hotmail) in order to use Play Store and keep.

When the day of delivery arrives, I give the gift and I am about to teach you how to install applications and use the tablet itself. I find that when trying to install Whatsapp, Facebook, or other applications I Telegram returns one of the following errors:
Error while retrieving information from server [RPC: S-7: BC-0]
Error while retrieving information from server [RPC: S-3]
Reading online, I find that people are the same thing happens, others have decided to change the rom by an UNOFFICIAL
The solutions that have NOT worked for me were:
- Clear Google account.
- Do a factory reset from settings
- Update via OTA Updater
Finally I decide to call Sunstech and tell them the problem. In his answering machine will indicate if flames theme Play Store in CA7DUAL you proceed to look at the FAQ section model. But as you can see, there is no indication on the problem of Play Store.

I proceed to contact a technician indicated Sunstech to me how to solve the problem. Once I explain everything I found online, I indicates that Do a reset to the tablet (which already did it from settings), but it says must be done from the Download / Fastboot mode, come to be use the Guia manual for factory data reset is in their FAQ section (could now add the title something like solving problems Play Store ...).
This guide tells you how to restore a tablet to factory state (in this case for your model Sunstech), while useful for many phones / tablets that have the "fastboot" mode.

Then I will quickly explain what to do, but I must report that this ERASE ALL DATA / APPLICATIONS that you may have on the tablet, so backing them because if not, you're going to lose.

1-If you have data, make copies
2-Fully charge the tablet battery
3-Turn off the tablet
4-Activated by pressing the POWER button and the BACK button with the tablet, once out Sunstech, release the power button ONLY. Once you leave us the menu, we can stop pressing the BACK button.
5-In the menu that appears, select Wipe data / factory reset option, for it uses the touch screen by moving your finger up and down (like a mouse pc), to confirm or select the option press the POWER button, acts as OK
6-In the new menu we move to "YES -delete ALL USER DATA" and confirm again with the POWER button. It takes a minute or a little more. Once finished we will return to the main menu.

7-Reboot the tablet with REBOOT SYSTEM NOW option

8-We set the Wifi, Play Store account and you should not give us trouble installing Apps.

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