+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Make Samsung Galaxy S5 sound when connected to charger quietly

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Whenever you connect your Samsung Galaxy S5 the plug on the charger, then get it to a an information message on the display, on the other hand you hear a tone. This sound when connecting the Samsung Galaxy S5 with the charger can interfere in certain circumstances, especially when you go to bed at night and already sleeps your partner. So it may be that this is awakened by the connection tone. The course you want to avoid. Because of this, you will definitely be the question:

"Can I disable the sound when connecting the Samsung Galaxy S5 with the charger?"

The answer is unfortunately: No (except you have root access)

However, one can deal with this little trick to connect tone. For this purpose, you must proceed with your Samsung Galaxy S5 as follows:

Just before you connect the Samsung Galaxy S5 with the charger turns your Samsung Galaxy S5 in the "Silent Mode". In silent mode, most sounds are not played. This is also one of the Charger Connection tone.

Inserted after the switch to silent mode your Samsung Galaxy S5 to the charger and you will hear no sound. Then do not forget to switch back to the Sound Mode. Finished!

We hope you enjoy this little tip has helped to make the sound when you connect the charger with the Samsung Galaxy S5 shortly quietly.

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