+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Good morning,

I commented my problem. I have a Samsung Galaxy Trend and not rooted in two days have a connectivity problem in the wireless network at my work, which I worked well so far.

The terminal connects to the network me perfectly and gives me access to apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, Infojobs, email and even let me download from the AppStore.
However, two problems arise me:

1. When you use the YouTube app connects me to my own, let me do searches and even post comments, but when I go to watch a video makes me the famous message "Connecting to the server lost, touch to try again."

2. When I browse the internet connection allows me to secure (https) such as paypal, google etc .. but for the rest I said "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED".

Finally I say this only happens in the work network in my house everything works smoothly.

I searched the Internet and tried all the solutions I've seen: change the DNS to, clear the cache and data, connect and disconnect the wifi, I checked the proxy that I know I have no antivirus and firewall or adblock installed.
If you a different solution to this problem I would appreciate it a lot because I have crazy happens.

Greetings and thanks.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

They also say that other colleagues are going perfect in their Android devices, so it is not a global problem on the network.

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