+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to fix Google Play, if it stopped working?

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you come across this page then most likely you are not working Google Play, This problem occurs quite often, but fortunately it usually is solved very simply. We have compiled for you 7 possible ways how you can fix it.

How to fix Google Play, if it stopped working?

First. We clean the cache Google Play
It often happens that Google Play begins again work well after cleaning the application cache, which stores temporary data. Do the following steps: Settings / Application Manager / downloaded. Find the item «Google Play Market." Open the application window and then we have to click on the item "Empty Cache." After that, your application should work Market.

How to fix Google Play, if it stopped working? How to fix Google Play, if it stopped working?

Second. Delete data Google Play
If, after clearing the cache did not earn Google Play on your phone, you already have a look a little deeper - delete data Google Play. There is nothing complicated and almost exactly copies the item above. Only instead of "Clear Cache" you need to select "Clear Data". Then you have to remove the information from the application itself.

Third. Remove update Google Play
If the Google Play stubbornly refuses to work as a human, then again repeat the already painfully familiar procedure, but instead of "Clear Cache" and "Clear data" we choose the option "Uninstall updates". After that, the application Google Play will be completely virgin after the installation.

Fourth. Clear the cache of Google Play Services
Google Play is still not working? So we should look into the Google Play services and clean it all cache: Settings / Application Manager / downloaded, find the "Services Google Play». Open and click on the "Clear Cache".


Fifth. Including loading (download manager)

It should once again look into the Settings / Application Manager / all and find the item "Downloads". Open it, and if for some reason you have it turned off, it is necessary to re-enable. Remember - it should always be included.


Sixth. Remove prescribed in your Google-account and restore back
It is almost the last option that can make money Google Play. Open Menu / Settings / Accounts & sync (Accounts). Open the settings of your account Google. The idea is you must have item "Delete Account." Select it and restart the system. Again, after you download the smartphone, open the Settings and the editor of accounts again to restore your account.


The seventh and final. Reset phone

This is the most radical method, which only can be. If none of the above suggestions do not work you, you can reset all the data on your phone and return to factory settings. Of course, we recommend that you make a backup copy of the data in advance. Make a pullback is very simple: Settings / Restore and Reset / Reset phone. For more information how to do this can be found here.


If anything these 7 points you did not help (although the latter has to do it for sure) you just have to carry your smartphone in the service center. Above all, this may be a problem with memory, so there may be other nuances. But before that, it comes very rarely. If you carefully read the entire article, then the probability of 99.5% will be able to solve this problem. Also, if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments below.

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