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Fix Google Play Store Error 498 - how it works

1 Answer

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by (40.6k points)

With you by Google Play Store error appears 498 and now you are looking for solutions to resolve the issue can? Then you've come to the right place because we have the error code 498 looked more closely and summarizes all known solutions to this article. Even though the Google Play store well runs very smoothly and without major problems, we get every now and then displays the odd error code. We have collected these error codes in recent months and an article with useful tips created for each code that has appeared frequently as one might solve the problem. On this page is all about the error 498 in Google Play Store, which is always published by us when we tried to download an app or in some cases when updating an app. After we made our search for solutions, we have become quite quickly found in an English forum. There also reported a user of this error code, and this could fix this by simply deleting other apps that are no longer needed. Why does the error code is gone by we have described under the following heading.

Fix error 498 in Google Play Store

The error 498 "app could not be downloaded due to an error" depends, to our knowledge together so that when the smartphone no longer has enough disk space. If no space is available in the App Download or when updating an app on your Android smartphone, it's little wonder that the error occurred. So if you have the error code 498 will also receive every now and then to face, then you should enclose the space from your smartphone or tablet to check and, if necessary, for more space offer in which you apps to uninstall anyway no longer need (for old apps from Google Play to remove, we have a separate article created).

If you do then again try on, then the error should be gone for good. We got this code twice to face and there was actually very little space on your smartphone free.

More Tips and solutions

Provided with you enough memory was available and the Play Store error has continued to appear and you have found one other solution, then we would be delighted if you notify us of the solution over the comments. We will of course take the approach here, so that all have something like this.

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