+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
how to fix error 498 google play store

2 Answers

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Error 498

. issue:
Interruption of discharges from playstore

. solution:
The terminal cache is full. Delete unnecessary files and folders and unused internal memory applications (the Clean Master application in playstore can be helpful)
Then restart mod and select
. Wipe cache partition
Confirm and then restart

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Error 498: app could not be downloaded due to an error

Error 498: app could not be downloaded due to an error

Error 498 appeared frequently in the Google Play Store. This has to do as a rule so that the memory is full (usually the internal memory of the phone). To arrange this, as in solution 1 first look (the solutions can be found below the problems), whether the space is really full.

Sometimes it may be that actually still seems to be enough room, but still error 498 is displayed. So best to uninstall just few apps that are no longer needed.

Otherwise, it will also help apps from the phone memory to the internal memory to move or if possible to move with you on the SD card. If you have created down again, so tried again to download the app.
Although this did not help to resolve the error 498 on Google Play please check out our other solutions.

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