+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Compare the fingerprint scanner Galaxy S6 and Apple iPhone 6 Touch ID

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Before the opening there was a loud presentation MWC Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge, so that the results of the company over the Project Zero we have already estimated almost all sides. This is a good attempt to redesign the flagship range and the ability to accommodate the wishes of buyers to fix the mistakes made with the release of Galaxy S5.

Compare the fingerprint scanner Galaxy S6 and Apple iPhone 6 Touch ID

One of the problems in the previous flagship, was the work of a fingerprint scanner. For Samsung, it was the first such experience, which is then implemented again in the Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy Note Edge, and that's just PHABLET also worked with the scanning of fingerprints slow and unreliable. Users had several times put his finger to the Home button and repeatedly carried out for it in trying to guess when the scanner finds an imprint. This greatly spoil the impression of quite good flagship.

In contrast, Apple has adopted another type of biometric sensor and the user only needs to touch your finger to the button Home, and then the scanner recognizes the imprint of the owner. Of course, such a scanner without any problems could be a hack, but it is not often wrong.

Samsung took into account their mistakes and the new sensor in the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge has been working on a different principle. To register your fingerprints, you will be asked in turn to touch the Home button and the animation will tell you that the process of reading and the scanner runs stores fingerprints from different angles.

Now it's time to move on to the fun part - the tests of the scanner when you unlock your smartphone. Galaxy S6 is compared with the iPhone 6. Immediately it should be noted that the scanning of fingerprints on the new flagship of Samsung works reliably as on the smartphone Apple. Every attempt to unlock success.

But there is a remark to the speed of the scanner, Galaxy S6 in this plan works a little slower. I'm not saying that the difference is dramatic, because it may depend on the software, animation, and not from the scanner. In any case, the work of Galaxy S6 fingerprint you enjoy.

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