+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 display errors and Touch sensitivity check

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

The curved display occurs at some Samsung Galaxy S6 on a display error which manifests itself, for example by a defective pixel or a gray shading. Most of the display error during normal operation is not observed, which is why we recommend you to check this in more detail. This works as follows with your Samsung Galaxy S6:

1. Opens the home screen of the phone app and changes within these on the tab "keypad".

2. Give here now enter the following code: * # 0 * #

3. This code is now open after the last diamond the Service menu.

4. This is UAS various white boxes, which is found in every field, a functional test

5. Now tap on the first of the series by the fields "Red", "Green" and "Blue". If a pixel function incorrectly, then this can be here very quickly recognize, because the pixels will not show at one of the colors the right color.

6. Typing then next field "Touch" to. Here you can check S6 displays the touch surface of your Samsung Galaxy.

If the tests are positive, then your Samsung Galaxy S6 fortunately does not display error and it's all right. It makes sense this test from time to time to carry out, so as not to recognize the warranty period defective pixels.

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