+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Error "The process  com.google.process.location is stopped ": we are looking for solutions

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Some users of Android-devices have encountered a strange problem. The device displays the following message: "com.google.process.location process is stopped." The most interesting is that the error does not appear in the process of installing applications or updates, and just like that - by itself.

Rectify the situation can be one of three ways, the simplest of which is the first. It does not imply, even cleaning application cache and allows to limit ourselves to the inclusion of programs that were previously disabled. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Go to "Settings" -> "Applications", select "Disabled."


Error "The process is stopped com.google.process.location": we are looking for solutions
2. Include all of the programs that are disabled.

Error "The process is stopped com.google.process.location": we are looking for solutions
3. Restart the device.

Unfortunately, this method does not always work.

The second method is fairly standard and is often used to eliminate all kinds of mistakes - is clearing your cache:

1. Go to the section "Applications", select "all", then look for the line «google.process.location» or something like that.
2. Select the "Clear Cache" and "Clear data".
3. Reboot the device.

And finally, the third method, a cardinal. In 99% of cases it works, but the data from your smartphone disappear, so you should take precautions. The sequence of actions is as follows:

1. All the information from your smartphone (video, photos, music, etc.), save on another device, it is better on your home computer. Contacts and applications you want to synchronize.

Error "The process is stopped com.google.process.location": we are looking for solutions
2. Go to "Settings", find the "Backup and Reset", then "Restore Factory Settings". Perform the "Reset phone".

Error "The process is stopped com.google.process.location": we are looking for solutions
3. After a short wait (5 to 15 minutes) smartphone will reset to factory settings.

4. The previously copied to the computer, reset the information on your smartphone, select the applications that were previously on the device, go to your Google-account. The error should disappear and no longer appear.

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