+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to troubleshoot the error message: Not enough server storage is available to process this command

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

After formatting a computer on a network and trying to connect to a system that uses a pair of Windows XP to peer (P2P) network connection, you may receive a message saying that the network share is not accessible. The following error message appears: * Insufficient storage space server is available to process this command * Not enough memory to complete the transaction. . Close some applications and try again. The problem is usually a registry problem on the computer you just formatted. Read on to learn how to use the Registry Editor to fix this problem. Instructions
troubleshoot the error message: Not enough server storage is available to process this command
Click in the lower left corner of your desk the Start button. On the Start menu, click Run and type "regedit". Click OK to continue. The Registry Editor should be open now

click the plus sign to move to the next input record. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ \\ LanmanServer Parameters

look at the right to find a registry key called "IRPStackSize" panel. Once you have found this registry key, double-click it. Increase the decimal value of 15. Click OK when finished. Close the Registry Editor.

Restart the computer and try connecting to the network share. If you still can not connect to the network share, go to section two
a second method to resolve the error message. Not enough server storage space available to process this command
<Br> 5

Do step 1 and step 2 above, again to open the registry and go to the same registry key. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ \\ LanmanServer Parameters

Restart the computer and try connecting to the network share. If you still can not connect to the network share, repeat step # 2, increasing the decimal value by 5. It is recommended to increase the value of 5 at a time. The values ​​of 25 or 30 usually solve the problem.

Repeat this process until the stack size is high enough to allow access. The highest value will have to go to is 50.
How to resolve this error if the "IRPStackSize" key does not exist

Click the START button, then Run. Type "regedit" and click OK to continue. The Registry Editor should be open now. Click the plus sign to go to the following registry entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ \\ LanmanServer Parameters

Click anywhere in the blank area in the right column. . Select New, then clickon "D-Word", which is in the key column.

You will write the name of the new key. Type "IRPStackSize". Make sure the cap is exactly right (May 7 characters uppercase and lowercase) hit enter.

Double-click the "IRPStackSize" key and enter 15 in the text field. Place a dot next to "Decimal" and click OK.

Close the Registry Editor and restart the computer. Try to access the network share.

Repeat step # 4, if the same error screens, increasing the values ​​of the key by 5 until the problem is resolved.

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