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by (40.6k points)
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Insufficient storage space available on Android, how to solve?

Insufficient Storage Available Google Play

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

We have seen very many guides for the mobile operating system from Google, but on the low-end device with Android, very often you can run into some error is just one of all: insufficient storage space available, or Unknown error code during ' installing the application: 919, today we will see how to solve these problems in a few steps.

First, because very often these problems affecting especially the low-end device with Android? Simple because usually for these smartphones is a memory partitioning is not able to allow the installation of different app, or updates.

The methods that you are going to present soon need only a bit of attention and above can be used, some, for all devices with the mobile operating system of Google in the market, permanently solving the problem of insufficient storage space available.


The latter do not require permits Root or installing applications, which can not happen because of the type of problem, but we're going to use some tricks.

We talk about the problem in question, all comes from the fact that these devices have little RAM available, some app, rely precisely this memory to operate, even natively Android leans.

Precisely for this reason, it is possible that some apps than others may require more memory and therefore create this problem that you know very well.

However we know that this problem can often occur on the device Samsung, which have large amount of sales for their own price, at least as regards the medium-low range.

Just in this case on most devices, when we go to open several applications over time, the latter issuing a fragment that is stored on this RAM.

Of these, in some cases we can see this problem when you see the exclamation point, namely this:!, Which will indicate the problems in place.

Now let's see how quickly resolve this issue dedicated to insufficient storage space available on Android for Samsung.


From Homescreen go in the section dialer, or the one dedicated to the composition of the telephone number.
We must now enter a particular number, which will allow us to enter a hidden menu, which will be the basis to solve the problem. So we type the code as well as I will indicate, then with the # and *, type * # 9900 #, enter it in the menu which we were talking about.
Now here we are interested in only one voice, the one that is called the "Delete dumpstate / logcat", just select this entry.
Wait until the procedure is over, after which the phone will list all that has been deleted from your device.

In a short time you have deleted from your smartphone some unnecessary files that clogged simply your RAM memory, now you can again install various updates or applications without much hassle.

If in the first part we looked at how to proceed with the resolution of the error only for smartphones Samsung, now is the time to see a procedure that might be fine for all smartphones running Android.

The main thing we have said that we have to free up RAM by our device, the only thing we can do is remove or add-on applications, or free up its memory.

How can we get more RAM memory available? Simple, in fact just go in the section dedicated to the settings and immediately move in "Applications" or "App", after which we move the words "all" and proceed to the next step.

Now we are going to select all of the various applications we have installed tappiamo on all of it and delete the cache of each of them.

Once finished it all off, you will again proceed with the installation of various applications and you will no longer nessun'problema linked to insufficient storage space available on Android.

The problem in question is still present in many devices with the mobile operating system from Google, then this guide will quickly help you solve all the problems you encounter with this "serious" problem.

We have tried to give some solutions, which could be used for a Samsung device, while the second works for all devices.

We confirm the fact that this procedure should solve another problem that affixes these smartphones or Unknown error code during application installation: 919.

In fact all the steps that we saw earlier are likely to cancel definitively everything about these difficulties, which are encountered most often when we are going to install or upgrade an application.

Let us know if you have solved the problem, and in case if you fail you can leave a comment where we will try to help as soon as possible.

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