+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Error enough available storage space having 3 solutions

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Here are some solutions for error suggests Not enough storage space available, free space, which appears when you try to install an application or game on Android (or even when you try to upgrade), which is illogical because actually there IS available storage space on the device. If there is not enough space to install applications or games actually (which can be checked in Settings> Storage), first implement what is stated in Article increase internal memory Android.

1. Clear the cache of all downloaded applications

To clear the cache of all Android applications, go to Settings> Storage> cached data.

You can also go by clearing the cache for each application. For this go to Settings> Applications. There touching on each application and use the Clear Cache button.

  Not enough available storage space with clear cache
This procedure is safe to perform and does not delete application data.

2. secret code * # 9900 #

What this code does is delete some log files of the device, located in the directory / data / log, which are often the cause of insufficient space. In Samsung devices, doing this is as simple as typing the code * # 9900 # in the phone application and the screen that appears choose the option that says Delete dumpstate / logcat. Press OK to confirm.

Not enough available storage space with code 9900

This process is safe and can even perform several hundred MB free internal memory of the device.

In devices modified as Cyanogenmod ROM, this code does not work, so you need to do it manually by going to the / data / log device and deleting log files that are there. Terminal Emulator application that can be found in Google Play, and root on the device will be necessary. Make this procedure exactly as follows.

Open Terminal Emulator
Write the su command and press Enter on the keyboard. When the window is displayed asking permission of root or superuser, give this permission.
Change to the directory / data / log typing cd / data / log command. Press Enter.
ENSURE that is in the directory / data / log typing pwd and press Enter. This command should display screen located in the directory / data / log. It is very important to ensure that you are in this directory because the next step will delete all files that are located here.
Delete all files by typing the command rm *
Press Enter to delete the files.
3. Manually delete files that prevent the installation

It is possible that in the device memory has been some file that is preventing the installation of an application or game. These remnants of the application are sometimes left in the internal memory within the Android / obb directory. In this directory you enter any file explorer and removed from there only .obb file with the name of the application or game you are trying to install and you can not (do not touch the other files that may have .obb) .

Insufficient storage space available obb

Sometimes they are remains in the root directory of the device, specifically in the / data / app. Here you have stayed a .ODEX file related to the application can not be installed. We will have to eliminate this .ODEX file to fix the problem. To access the directory / data / app will need to use a file explorer advanced as ES File Explorer or Root Explorer, both available free on Google Play.

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