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Unknown error code 24 in Google Play: solution

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

When you try to install purchased on Google Play app pops up a message about an unknown error "Unknown error code 24". The problem can be eliminated by cleaning the data / data and sdcard / Android / data / data from all components of the program installed. To do this, there are two methods - by hand and using SD Maid - System cleaning tool.

method 1. Shoe manually. If you are well enough you imagine what files to delete, to adjust work with the service Google Play, you can use the file manager «ES conductor." Just go to the folder data / data and sdcard / Android / data / data, select the unwanted files and delete them.


 method 2. Appendix SD Maid allows you to find hidden and non-hidden files in the memory device after the removal of the application. To use the program it is necessary root-rights to the device. Identify the files to be deleted will feature a special "garbage". You need to run it, then click "Run" and view the proposed list of "tails". You can delete them all at once ("Clear All") or selectively.

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